Table To Figma

Figma plugin
9.3K+ install
create numerous instances from component with ease
Supports importing data from multiple sources, allowing for rapid annotation and naming layers, custom columns style.
component table
Step 1

Import table data

1. Online table: Notion / google sheet(public)
2. Local table: csv/excel
3. Copy and paste directly

Step 2

Rename the layer

Use "#xxxx" to rename layer as table header

Step 3

Generate from component

1. Select the component first
2. Choose "generate from component"

More ideas use our plugin


People like you love Thinkbuff

"With Table To Figma, I can generate thousands of design variations in seconds. Unbelievable!"
Alex Thompson
Founder & Designer
"Table To Figma has made my design process so efficient. It's like having an extra set of hands."
Monica Patel
PM & Designer
"The seamless integration with Notion and Google Sheets has transformed my workflow. A must-have for all designers!"
Sarah Lewis
Designer & Writer

Choose your plan

Select the plan that suits your needs and benefit from our figma plugin.


$4.99/ month

Monthly Subscription

  • Quick Rename Layer
  • Generate With Custom Layout
  • Sync Multiple Tables of Google Sheets/Airtable
  • Update Generated Design
  • Generated Multi-Tags
  • Supported Property Columns
  • Cache Table Data Locally
  • More Coming Features
Get Started

Limited 50% OFF

/ year

Join 100% Risk-Free, 7 Day Free Trial, then $0.08 per day.

  • Quick Rename Layer
  • Generate With Custom Layout
  • Sync Multiple Tables of Google Sheets/Airtable
  • Update Generated Design
  • Generated Multi-Tags
  • Supported Property Columns
  • Cache Table Data Locally
  • More Coming Features
Get Started


$79.99/ lifetime

One-time payment

  • Quick Rename Layer
  • Generate With Custom Layout
  • Sync Multiple Tables of Google Sheets/Airtable
  • Update Generated Design
  • Generated Multi-Tags
  • Supported Property Columns
  • Cache Table Data Locally
  • More Coming Features
Get Started

Compare plans & features

Import Table Data
XLSX/CSVImport from XLSX/CSV/Zip files
ClipboardImport from the clipboard
Google SheetsSync from Google Sheets
NotionSync from Notion
AirtableSync from Airtable
Column Mapping
TextMap text strings from columns into text layers
NumberMap numeric values to a variety of design properties
- TextMap numbers as text
- SizeSet width using numeric values
- SpacingUse numbers to map spacing between layers
- Vertical/Horizontal PaddingSet padding in auto-layout frames via numbers
- Stroke WeightMap stroke width using numeric values
- Corner RadiusCustomize corner radius of frames with numbers
LinkCreate text layers or interactive hotspots from links
- TextMap link URLs into text layers
- URLMap link URLs into text layers and insert hyperlinks
Multiple Select(Tags)Map choices and multi-selects from columns into design
- TextFill with hyphen-separated text
- Multi-LayerGenerate layer for each option(tag)
DateMap date values into text layers with formatting
- FormatRetain original or customized date formats
ImageMap image URLs
- TextMap image URLs into text layers
- FillInsert images as layer fills
- StrokeInsert images as layer strokes
ColorMap color values
- TextMap Color values into text layers
- FillApply fill colors to layers
- StrokeApply stroke colors to layers
BooleanInsert logic values and rules into designs
- TextMap Boolean values into text layers
- Layer VisibilityToggle layer visibility based on boolean value
Component VariantMap component variants
- TextMap component variants into text layers
- Component Variant PropertiesMap component variant properties
Generate Designs
Simple TableCreate simple table
Selected Layers or ComponentsGenerate designs based on selected layers or components
Update Existing DesignsRefresh designs that have already been generated
Quick Rename LayerRename layers with a single click
Quick Create Frame With Row DataCreate frames with row data
Apply Cell Values To Layers QuicklyApply cell values to layers quickly
Sync Multiple Tables of Google Sheets/AirtableSync multiple Google Sheets or Airtable
Table Data CachingCache table data locally
Generate Settings
- Vertical LayoutGenerate designs with a vertical layout
- Horizontal LayoutCreate designs with a horizontal layout
- Wrap layoutCreate designs with a wrap layout

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Table To Figma free to use?
Yes, Table To Figma offers a free version that includes access to basic functionalities. For more advanced features, a subscription is required.
How do I update the synced data?
Google Sheets and Notion support remote data synchronization. Simply click the Sync button on the top-right corner of the data details page to synchronize.
What if my current data sources are not supported?
We're keen on supporting more data sources in future versions. Feel free to join our community👉Discordor send an email to[email protected]to get in touch with us. We prioritize adding data sources based on demand.
How can I ensure the security of my data?
This plugin does not save or upload your table data to any external servers. Instead, the data is cached locally on your device for a seamless user experience.
How do I get support if I encounter issues?
You can join our community 👉Discordor send an email to[email protected]for support.

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